Saturday, June 21, 2008

Cicada Seeks Love on Route 51

Before starting out this morning I decided to inflate my tires to the recommended 130PSI's. I had been riding them slightly under inflated at 100 PSI's, believing that the increased rolling resistance would result in an increased training effect. I will needed every advantage to keep up with the SBRA 'B Animals' today. Turning onto the hard macadam pavement of Hubbard Road I started to hear the familiar buzz of the tires. In fact the 130 PSI made it louder than than usual, a runner 15 feet ahead turned around and moved to the side. On Route 51 I increased my pace, cresting the hill I started to pedaled harder that's when I heard an unfamiliar whirling sound. I thought my fork was resonating due to the higher tire pressure. Suddenly there was a loud pop from the rear followed by the unmistakeable hissing of air running out of the tire. I muttered a few choice words, stopped the bicycle and got off. Between swating at large bugs trying to land on me and sweat burning my eyes I eventually changed the tube. I inflated the tire and moaned, there was a large gash on the side wall exposing the replaced inner tube. It was too risky to ride further, better to get home safely. At home I did some research on the bugs. According to entomologist Dr. Frank Hale, with the University of Tennessee Extension in Nashville, the bugs were Cicadas. "Cicadas are very social insects", he says. "Every 17 years thousands of male Cicadas aggregate to sing." "The females are attracted by their love calls and because of this aggregation tendency, both sexes are attracted to noisy machines like lawn mowers and farm tractors." I would add also the buzzing of high pressure bicycle tires! "People can be unsettled by the 1 1/2-inch bugs' with red eyes (except for rare white-eyed ones) their clumsy flight and their tendency to assume anything upright is a landing spot for their tryst." I can confirm that! Some thought I was there to answer their 'Female Cicadas seeking bicyclist for mating tryst' personals.

My blown tire

Cicada Love

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